
Au de Library (!?)

Did you know that you can now SMELL like books?
This perfume have been around for a while but I never took my time to actually look it up, but now I did. I was actually surprised to find out that it's a real thing.
I would personally NOT wear it, since I don't like the smell of books. At all.
But I know that a lot of people actually do like it, so my question is, would you buy it?
They perfume with 15ml cost $95.00
You can find it Here

xoxo Lihini


One True Pairing - OTP

Song to listen to while reading this post

OTP is what you can a couple/ two people you really like together. It can be fictional or real people, usually celebrities in that case.
And we ALLLLL have them. Don't even try to deny it.
And ladies and gents, It's time for me to present my top 5 OTPs. Here it goes.

Number five - Day and June (Legend trilogy)
Cute as a button, I'm reading the second book in the trilogy atm and my jesus, they give me all kinds of feels!

Number four - Patch and Nora (Hush Hush series)
How can you not fall for Patch's brooding masculine dark attitude? It's not douchebaggy, just very addicting. The way he is with Nora makes you wish you had someone like him in your life, but I love them together nonetheless.

Number three - Four and Tris (Divergent trilogy)
These two are so broken and so beautiful together. I love their relationship so so much, because it touches close to home. Love them together.

 Number two - Jem and Tessa (the Infernal Devices)
Because their love is not just between them two. That's the kind of love that makes you cry for no reason

Number one - Kurt and Blaine (Glee)
I love Glee more than life, Glee is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Not even kidding.
Kurt and Blaine is that couple you invest more feelings in than your own. That perfect couple you would make exactly anything for. Yet they are barely real! Kurt and Blaine are just too sassy to not love them. Their love have been trough a lot and yet stands stronger than ever. They make you believe in love.

xoxo Lihini



I hosted a Divergent event this past saturday in Stockholm! As some of you might know I work together with Nordisk Film to promote the movie, and they let me host this event! We had so much fun, I had a blast and I know that the people there loved it as much as me. 
We played Divergent related games, ate cake and had a wonderful time together. At the end of the day we gave away Divergent hoodies, wristbands, Catching Fire DVD, CINEMA TICKETS and much more to the people there. I swear, some people started to cry, it was so sweet. I felt like Santa Claus haha!

My dear friend and promoting manager Julia Elisabeth!

dauntless cake!!!!

I am Divergent

xoxo Lihini


Pappersstäder / Paper Towns REVIEW

PappersstäderAv John Green
Sidor: 367
Förlag: Bonnier Carlsen

Quentin Jacobsen har älskat den iögonenfallande och äventyrslystna Margo på avstånd i hela sitt liv. Ända sedan de som grannbarn lekte tillsammans. Så när hon öppnar fönstret till hans rum och klättrar in i hans liv igen och övertalar honom att följa med på en genialiskt hämndaktion följer han med. 

Efter deras natt tillsammans kommer Quentin till skolan för att upptäcka att Margo - som alltid varit något av en gåta - nu har förvandlats till ett mysterium. Hon brukar försvinna ibland, men aldrig så här länge. Kan hon vara död? Men snart upptäcket Quentin att Margo lämnat subtila, smarta ledtrådar bara för honom. Budskapet är tydligt: Hitta mig om du kan! 

Vägen mot gåtans lösning är vindlande och tvingar Quentin att inse att ju närmare han kommer Margos gömställe desto mindre vet han egentligen om henne. Och kommer han att hinna fram innan hon försvinner igen? 

Vilken besvikelse till bok. 
Den kan lika gärna heta Alaska Town eller något sånt. Om ni har läst Looking for Alaska kan jag säga att denna bok innehåller samma koncept men karaktärerna har bara andra namn. 

John Green är känd för sina komplexa karaktärer men vad är vitsen med att skriva om trasiga ungdomar om man inte kan skildra dem på olika sätt i sina böcker? 

Början var intressant och spännande, deras äventyr höll ett bra tempo och stämningen var allmänt skön.
Men efter att Margo försvann förändrades hela historien (vilket var förväntat).
Vad som inte var lika förväntat var Quentins besatthet av Margo. Hela hans dagar och nätter kretsade kring henne, han vart arg så fort någon utav hans kompisar försökte leva sitt liv, försökte njuta av sina sista dagar i high school. Quentin var egentligen inte ens självcentrerad utan han trodde att han var tvungen att sluta leva sitt liv för att hitta någon som sprungit iväg av en anledning. Han slösade bort sitt liv på en besatthet.

Som nämt innan så handlade boken egentligen bara om en sak - att hitta Margo.
Detta gjorde dialogerna väldigt konstiga och metaforerna orelevanta. De var liksom för djupa för handligen och gick inte ihop med resten. 

Jag vill dock hylla bokaraktärerna litegrann, enligt min mening var de de enda som var värda att läsa om. De var roliga och väldigt kloka, kloka på ett sätt som var trovärdigt. Jag tyckte speciellt mycket om Ben, har var så oförutsägbar och fick mig att skratta flera gånger. Han lyfte upp boken ur dess mörka vrå lite grann.


Paper TownsAuthor: John Green
Pages: 305
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life - dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge - he follows.

After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues - and they're for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer Q gets, the less Q sees the girl he thought he knew.

What a disappointment to book. 
It may as well be called Alaska Town or something. If you've read Looking for Alaska, I can say that this book contains the same concept but the characters just have different names.

John Green is known for his complex characters but what's the point of writing about the broken youth if one can not depict them in various ways in his books?

The beginning was interesting and exciting, their adventures kept a good pace and the mood was generally pleasant.
But after Margo disappeared the whole story changed (which was expected).
What was less expected was Quentin's obsession with Margo. His whole days and nights revolved around her, he became angry whenever any of his mates tried to live their life, trying to enjoy their last days in high school. Quentin was not really even self-centered, but he thought he had to stop living his life to find someone who ran away for a reason. He was wasting his life on an obsession.

Like I said before the book is only about one thing - finding Margo.
This made the dialogues very weird and strange metaphors that were irrelevant. They were like too deep for the plot and did not go with the rest.

However, I must say that I loved the supporting characters.

 In my opinion, they were the only ones worth reading about. They were funny and very wise, wise in a way that was believable. I especially liked Ben's was so unpredictable and made ​​me laugh several times. He picked up the book out of its dark corner a little bit.

xoxo Lihini


Books I wan't to re-read

What's up with me and late night posts? I have so much going on right now, it's crazy. This week though will probably be a bit calmer. More time to blog *insert happy dance and some twerking*

The Infernal Devices
I've thought about rereading The Infernal Devices series. That is hands down the best trilogy I have ever laid my hands upon. You always notice small details in books you had missed the first time reading it, and I want to know EVERYTHING

The sisterhood of the travelling pants
I grew up with these books. I wasn't always a reader but I think this series was the first series that I actually liked and I think I read the first book at the age of 10. I wan't to feel the nostalgia and just feel the childhood memories flood in my brain.

A Princess Diaries
Mia Thermopolis! God I miss that sweet personality. There are 10 books in that series but promise, they are all amazing. So fun and hilarious.

House of Night 1 - 3
They were great until they came to their 4th book, everything wen't downhill from that point on. The first book though is amazing, great characters and a real suspense story that will have you on edge trough the whole book

xoxo Lihini


New books!

I got a 31 dollar gift card to buy books for from my grandmother for Christmas last year.
Since I never buy swedish translated books these days (because I get them for free) the bookshops are pretty useless. I love bookshops but not the ones in Sweden. BECAUSE THEIR ENGLISH YA SECTION DOESN'T EVEN COVER A BOOKSHELF. And I've most likely read all the english books they have in store too.

I went to a different bookshop today, and bough myself three books! I'm so excited, I found one English book and the other two were swedish translated but that's okay, I got them SUPER cheap.
Left to right:
Walking Disaster by Jamie Mcguire.
21 dollars (AND IT'S PAPERBACK, ugh international books..)
It's the second book in the Beautiful series, the first book is called Beautiful Disaster

I am the Nessenger by Markus Zusak.
4 dollars (hardcover)
He wrote the Book Thief. The book seemed very interesting so I got it. (review here)

The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
6 dollars (hardcover)
Because it's Rowling.

I got I am the Messenger and The Casual Vacancy on sale, 50% off the current sale price!

xoxo Lihini


5 pros and cons with audiobooks

- You can multitask while listening to the story, which normal people can't do otherwise
- It's portable, and you can keep it at pretty much any device
- You can listen to a story when you are tired, most people don't decide to read when they are tired.
- It still count as a book. Someone wrote it and you are listening to it aloud.
- You can't skip to the last page and spoil yourself

- the narrator have NO idea how to narrate different voices
- It will never be "as reading a book"
- The storyteller usually say everything so completely wrong
- You can't decide the speed, you just have to endure the slow read
- after the first chapter you can hear how bored the storyteller is.

xoxo Lihini


Lauren Oliver's new book 'Panic'

For those of you who do not know who Lauren Oliver is, she wrote the Delirium trilogy. Delirium was her big debut book and she made it BIG with it.

She is now current with a new book, titled Panic. I'm not going to tell you guys what this book is about, I'll let Christina do it instead.

See, I didn't like Delirium so much. and I liked Pandemonium even less and Requim was just BAD. 
I didn't like the story nor did I like the dialog's, and the ending was just horrific.

But I feel like I should give her another chance. Like she deserves it. The Delirium trilogy WAS her first trilogy after all, and maybe she has learned her mistakes by now!

Have you read it yet?

xoxo Lihini



Dress like a true shadowhunter for, I don't know, every day life. I dressed up as a shadowhunter to the City of Bones premiere :)
xoxo Lihini


The Book Thief movie REVIEW

"While subjected to the horrors of World War II Germany, young Liesel finds solace by stealing books and sharing them with others. Under the stairs in her home, a Jewish refugee is being sheltered by her adoptive parents."
I saw the Book Thief today with Carin and Julia!

What a beautiful movie.

If you've read my book review of the Book Thief you know that I couldn't finish it. Not because it was bad, I just... couldn't.

The movie didn't wow me at all, to be honest it's not a movie I would watch willingly on a saturday night.
But yet I find myself captured.
It makes you think, question your beliefs and it made me realize that there are no winners in a war. None.
Since this is a movie that takes place during the second world war it's about a lot of stuff that we already know, but how many of us have thought about how this all affected the "pure" Germans?

I think what this movie and book is all about is to get you think, it's not all there for you to just read but you have to make up your own conclusions sometimes.

What I thought was cool was that they never mentioned that the narrator was Death, while in the book that's one of the first things you get to read about.
The actors did a GREAT job, they couldn't have picked a better Liesel or Rudy.

Overall, a well done movie, boring at times but definitely a story that will stick with me for the rest of my life!
xoxo Lihini



Hi loves!

Hope you've had a nice and relaxing weekend (alternative a crazy and adventurous one)

Went to an Italian restaurant in town, my grandparents tagged along.
The food was AMAZING, it was a three-course dinner, I ordered something similar to tapas (but french) as my appetizer, then I had some scampi (I LOVE SCAMPI) as my main course and ordered a chocolate foundat with sorbet for dessert. Yes, it was all amazing. 
The staff was hilarious, I've never experienced THAT great service at any restaurant ever! They would just grab a guitar and other instruments and just walk around the place singing casually.
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My little sister and I :)
(I'm the one to the left in case you were wondering)
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Chill day!
Did some cleaning, and then I went under the blankets with some tea, fruit and a book <3
The book is really thick, 700+ pages. It's the last book in a trilogy and I really want to finish it but I know that I won't be able to give the book all the attention that It'll take to finish it so I'll postpone it for my next break. 

I've started reading Paper Towns by John Green now instead :)

I woke up early! Had some amazing oatmeal topped with berries and milk. Oatmeal makes me so full, I can barely finish a bowl, but I'd be able to eat 4 sandwiches without any problem.

Oh, and I had this with some Chinese flower tea or whatever it's called ^^ (thanks Emelie for hooking me up with the flowers!)
Then I went to the gym and killed my abs! Thinking about going again to do some yoga with the yoga class but I don't know, it's either that or have a nice spa hour followed by relaxation in bed with Paper Towns...

Tell me about your weekend!

xoxo Lihini